
Upcoming Events

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We do not have any events at the moment, but more will be announced shortly.

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Board Education

Here you’ll find a selection of events curated with an Executive Education audience in mind. Check back regularly to see our offer of Masterclasses, information meetings, in-person seminars, and webinars.

xx month 20xx xx:xx-xx:xx

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30 April 2024 16:00-17:30

Executive MBA and Master in Sustainable Leadership Masterclass

Sustainable Progress – Breaking Barriers and Building Futures

Join us for an engaging panel discussion that promises to provoke and open eyes to what lies ahead – how do we move toward sustainability that offers a vibrant economy for all?

2. maj 2024 17:00-18:00

Board Education Webinar

AI og cybersikkerhed i bestyrelseslokalet

På dette webinar vil vi fokusere på nogle af nutidens presserende emner for bestyrelsesmedlemmer, nemlig AI og cybersikkerhed i bestyrelseslokalet.   

13. maj 2024 16:00-17:00

Master i Bæredygtigt Byggeri Webinar

Hvordan skal man måle social bæredygtighed i byggeriet?

Bæredygtighed analyseres ofte i tre dimensioner: Miljømæssig, økonomisk og social bæredygtighed. Hidtil har der været størst fokus på miljømæssig og økonomisk bæredygtighed, men knap så meget på social bæredygtighed.

Deltag, og hør professor Steffen Petersen fortælle om den aktuelle forskning i, hvordan man kan måle de økonomiske og miljømæssige omkostninger ved bestemte sociale intentioner i byggeriet.

Professor Steffen Petersen Master i Bæredygtigt Byggeri

21 May 2024 16:00-16:45

Master in Sustainable Leadership Webinar

Making Sense of the EU Sustainability Directives Jungle

Join us for an enlighten webinar, where we explore the jungle of sustainability directives and how to navigate through it.

22 May 2024 16:00-18:00

Executive MBA Masterclass

Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Unlock the secrets to managing innovation.

Join us for an insightful Masterclass where you’ll gain invaluable perspectives from successful startup ventures and the dynamic tech scene at DTU. Delve into the strategies of professional investors as they identify opportunities, mitigate risks, and maximize returns in high-tech startups.

The event is free of charge.

16. april 2024 16:00-17:00

Master i Bæredygtigt Byggeri Webinar

Hvordan leder man bæredygtigt byggeri?

Omstillingen af byggeriet i en mere bæredygtig retning ændrer i afgørende grad rammevilkårene for branchens virksomheder.

Hør om den aktuelle forskning i de ledelsesmæssige udfordringer ved bæredygtigt byggeri, heriblandt resultaterne af en helt ny analyse af de afledte effekter af bæredygtigt byggeri.

18 April 2024 16:00-16:45

Master in Sustainable Leadership Webinar

The complex world of Green Washing, Big Data and Sustainability Reporting

Join us for an enlightening webinar as we explore the transformation of sustainability from a mere buzzword to a robust scientific discipline.

This webinar is free of charge.

11 April 2024 16:00-18:00

Executive MBA Masterclass on Economics

The Proverbial Crystal Ball – Navigating our Economic Future

Gain insights into predicting long-term growth, sustainable prosperity factors, and managing the business cycle.

The event is free of charge, and participants have the flexibility to join in-person or online.

9. april 2024 17:00-18:00

Board Education Webinar

AI og datasikkerhed i bestyrelseslokalet

Deltag i dette webinar og dyk ned i et af nutidens presserende emner for bestyrelsesmedlemmer – nemlig AI og datasikkerhed i bestyrelseslokalet.

7 March 2024 16:00-18:00

Executive MBA Masterclass on Digital Capabilities

Algorithms, Automation, and AI

Gain insights on how organizations can grow their digital capabilities by building a digital mindset, how technology fluency can be more effective than perfection, and how managers can find the appropriate level of maturity for their organization.

The event will be in person and is free of charge.

Forår 2024

Online Infomøde

Informationsmøde vedr. Master i Bæredygtig Byggeri

Hør en række spændende oplæg om bæredygtigt byggeri med prominente profiler inden for området i foråret. Samtidig kan du få indblik i uddannelsen Bæredygtig Byggeri og få svar på eventuelle spørgsmål

Billede af sløret mand, der går ned af trapperne i en bæredygtigt bygning i NYC

8 February 2024 16:00-18:00

Executive MBA Masterclass on Marketing

Unlocking the black box: Understanding modern consumers’ decisions

Gain insights into the factors shaping choices and discover strategies for organizations to thrive in meeting the evolving needs of today’s consumers

The event will be in person and is free of charge.

1 February 2024 17:00-18:00

Board Education Webinar

Boost your board career

Are you interested in exploring your opportunities within the realm of board governance? We are delighted to bring you insights and broaden your horizon! Learn more about DTU Board Education and how this programme can help you attract board positions.

24 January 2024 16:00-16:45


Cyber Security

Are you interested in knowing how to tackle Cyber Security threats in your organisation? Join this presentation by DTU Compute Professor Nicola Dragoni, including guests from Board Education, Therma and Jyske Bank.

11 January 2024 16:00-18:00

Executive MBA Masterclass

Leadership: Myth, reality and science

Is the abundance of advice on becoming a better leader largely lacking a scientific or evidence-based foundation? Join our free masterclass, where you will get the unique opportunity to learn from one of the leading minds in the field of leadership – Prof. Brent Smith from Rice University.

8 January 2024 17:00-18:00

Board Education Webinar

Boost your board career

Are you interested in exploring your opportunities within the realm of board governance? We are delighted to bring you insights and broaden your horizon! Learn more about DTU Board Education and how this programme can help you attract board positions.

16 April 2024 15:30-16:00 CET

DTU Wind and Energy Systems
Introduction meeting

Introduction to Wind Energy Master

Join our introduction meeting to find out how our wind energy courses or full Wind Energy Master online programme can fulfill your compentences and strenghten your carreer within wind energy.

5. december 2023 17:00-18:00

Board Education Webinar

Boost din bestyrelseskarriere

Har du lyst til at booste din karriere inden for bestyrelsesverdenen? Vi inviterer dig til et webinar, hvor du vil få mulighed for at udforske DTU Board Education og få indsigt i, hvordan dette program kan være nøglen til at åbne døre i din bestyrelseskarriere. 

13. november 2023 17:00-18:00

Board Education Webinar

Boost din bestyrelseskarriere

Har du lyst til at booste din karriere inden for bestyrelsesverdenen? Vi inviterer dig til et webinar, hvor du vil få mulighed for at udforske DTU Board Education og få indsigt i, hvordan dette program kan være nøglen til at åbne døre i din bestyrelseskarriere. 

FULLY BOOKED9 November 2023 17:00-19:00

Executive MBA Masterclass

Masterclass: Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Join our EMBA Masterclass where you will have the rare opportunity to experience our teaching style firsthand in this module.

Includes refreshments, snacks, and allows time to meet with the Executive MBA admission team at DTU.

24. oktober 2023 16:00-17:00

Online Infomøde

Introduktion til Master i Bæredygtigt Byggeri

Kom og hør Tove Lading, lektor og studieleder ved DTU Construct fortælle om Masteruddannelsen i Bæredygtigt Byggeri. Få svar på eventuelle spørgsmål om uddannelsen, kurserne, ansøgningsprocessen med mere.

Billede af sløret mand, der går ned af trapperne i en bæredygtigt bygning i NYC

11. oktober 2023 17:00-18:00


Bestyrelsesarbejde og digital omstilling – med fokus på SMV’er

Deltag i dette webinar og bliv klogere på vores nye bestyrelsesuddannelse, som skal ruste bestyrelsesmedlemmer til at arbejde strategisk og målrettet med digitalisering og digital omstilling. Uddannelsen er skræddersyet til at matche SMV-bestyrelsernes behov.

24 Ocotber 2023 10:00-10:30


Introduction to DTU Wind Energy Master

This introduction to the Master of Wind Energy will give you answers to any academic and practical questions you might have related to the programme.

25. September 2023 16:00-17:00

Online Infomøde

Digitale Værktøjer til Bæredygtigt Byggeri

Kom og få en forsmag på kurset ’Digitale værktøjer til bæredygtigt byggeri’, der handler om, hvordan digitalisering kan fremme en bæredygtig omstilling af byggeriet. Få svar på eventuelle spørgsmål om uddannelsen, kurserne, ansøgningsprocessen med mere.

Digitale værktøjer til byggeriet

19. september 2023 17:00-18:00


Bestyrelsesarbejde med digitalisering, AI og cybersikkerhed

Deltag i dette webinar med DTU Industry Fellow og Digital Futurist, Mikkel Brun Næsager. Mikkel vil denne eftermiddag give os en en tour de force gennem udfordringerne i bestyrelseslokalet, når det kommer til digitalisering.

24 August 2023 17:00-18:00

Board Education Webinar

Attract board positions

How do you learn to work in a board? Join this webinar to gain insights into DTU Board Education and how it will open up new opportunities in your board career – including tips and tricks on how to be an impactful board member and how to attract board positions.  

9 August 2023 17:00-18:00

Board Education Webinar

Boost your board career

How do you learn to work in a board? Join this webinar to gain insights into DTU Board Education and how it will open up new opportunities in your board career – including tips and tricks on how to be an impactful board member and how to attract board positions.  

12 July 2023 08:30-09:30

Executive MBA info meeting

EMBA Breakfast Club

Join our EMBA Breakfast Club where you can meet our programme directors, hear more about our Executive MBA programme and see our modern facilities.

Breakfast will be available from 08.00-08:30

11 May 2023 17:00-18:00

Board Education Webinar

The future of board work

Are you as a board member ready to tackle the challenges in the board room when it comes to digitalization?

Join this webinar where Mikkel Brun Næsager will facilitate a tour de force through the challenges in the board room when it comes to digitalization.  

Mand fotograferet på DTU Learn for Life